CONTRIBUTOR: Robyn Simmons

All articles/submissions end with the initials RS.

“My love of world cinema is firstly an extension of my interest in all of film, but it is also a chance to explore the globe from the comfort of my armchair - not to mention at a much lower cost than a round the world ticket. I can be taken to the Spanish desert, the Asian jungle, or the bustling cafe culture of Italy or France. The possibilities are endless. Culture really does affect people's outlook, and as a global media, film makes these various approaches to life accessible. It lets me witness other people's lives, and escape from my own.”

Date Of Birth: 29/04/1988
Favourite Films: Battle Royale, House Of Flying Daggers, Dancer In The Dark, 8 Femmes, Metropolis
Favourite Genres: German Expressionism, Dogme 95, Surrealism, Comedy, Horror

“I studied Film and Creative Writing at university, which I am fresh out of, and I am now floating around getting work where I can. I have written for several magazines and companies, both fiction and nonfiction. Aside from film and writing, I love various crafts, baking/cooking and dancing lindy hop.”

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