NEWS: DVD Release: Of Gods And Men

In 1996 the kidnapping and murder of the seven French monks of Tibhirine was one of the culminating points of the violence and atrocities in Algeria resulting from the confrontation between the government and extremist terrorist groups that wanted to overthrow it. The disappearance of the monks – caught in a vice between both sides – had a great and long-lasting effect on governments, religious communities and international public opinion. The identity of the murderers and the exact circumstances of the monks’ deaths remain a mystery to this day. The case was taken up by a French court in 2003. Certain documents were recently declassified. In the upcoming months, new revelations may finally bring the truth to light.

Of Gods And Men is loosely based on the Tibhirine tragedy. It explores the last few months in the life of this small community of Christian monks in a ‘Muslim land’. The film is more interested in capturing the spirit of the events and what was at stake in the community than in recounting the exact details of an historical reality.

The story begins several weeks before the terrorists issued an ultimatum ordering all foreigners to leave the country. An armed terrorist group even broke into the monastery on Christmas Eve. The monks’ dilemma, dormant until that point, is now clear: stay or leave?

The decision must be made as a group. But for them, the choice of going or staying, despite the threats, is laden with consequences. When they refuse military protection, the government asks them to return to France. Each monk will make his decision by assessing the human, political and religious stakes, and by plumbing the depths of his soul and conscience. This dramatic tension accompanies the practical and mystical daily life of the community: their deep ties to the villagers and the spirit of peace and charity with which they try to counter the violence eating away at the country.

Of Gods And Men bears witness to the reality of the monks’ commitment and the strength of the message of peace they wish to share by staying among their Muslim brothers: the possibility of a fraternal and spiritual common ground between Christianity and Islam. The monks called the army "the brothers of the plain" and the terrorists "the brothers of the mountain." Far from naïve, they were aware they were walking a fine line between two sides with ambiguous positions.

Film: Of Gods And Men
Release date: 11th April 2011
Certificate: 15
Running time: 121 mins
Director: Xavier Beauvois
Starring: Lambert Wilson, Michael Lonsdale, Olivier Rabourdin, Philippe Laudenbach, Jacques Herlin
Genre: Drama
Studio: Artificial Eye
Format: DVD & Blu-ray
Country: France

DVD Special Features:
'The Victims Of Tibhirine: A Further Inquiry' - documentary
Theatrical trailer

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